Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Grocery bag

And here I am, as promised, with pictures of my latest experiment in sewing.
After Christmas I decided to take the new models Keyka Lou
and this is the first realization.
It's called "grocery bag" and is simply a shopper that takes the classic model of the plastic bag.

Made of double fabric with double stitching at every step to make it more resistant. It has large gussets both inside and outside

that make it much more roomy than it appears at first sight

This turquoise and pink tones with polka dots, I sewed for me when I go to the store to take the bread and two or three things.

Yesterday I then stitched another
toned blue and dotted with peacocks and is available to wanting to buy it.
E '36cm long, the larger the height of the handles (48 cm), 37 cm high, 52 cm including the handles. The
Nternal is a riot of red dots on a blue background

Before leaving a little note for all those who are interested in buying models Keyka Lou.
I often receive emails asking me how to buy ...
Here at the home of my blog, under the photo with the title, is the image with one of his creations. Clicking on "Click here to visit Keyka Lou" will be immediately redirected to the home of his shop where you will find all pictures of the models sold in PDF format.

And for good Sunday and today baciotti to all, Claudia


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