Buongiorno e buon inizio di settimana a tutti! Il lunedì è sempre un po' traumatico per tutti...E allora sedetevi comodi, gustatevi una buona "madeleine" e una calda tazza di thè!
3 uova intere
130 gr di zucchero
1 cucchiaio di miele d'acacia
la buccia di 1 arancia (o limone) grattug.
150 gr di farina 1 teaspoon baking powder
130 grams of melted butter (not hot) 1 pinch of salt
This dose produces about 30 madeleines.
Procedure: Pour the jug of
Thermomix the 3 eggs with sugar and send to vel. 6 for 1 min.
After the minute, do not stop the Thermomix and while he is still working, the center hole add a tablespoon of honey, the grated rind. of the orange (or lemon), flour, baking powder, melted butter and salt and then go, until everything is well blended. Turn off the
bimby and let the dough rest for half an hour in the fridge. Pour
content in the molds has been buttered and floured.
NB: Fill the molds halfway, because then the dough rises during baking.
Bake at 160 degrees for 10 minutes in preheated oven.
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