Monday, January 31, 2011

Firewire Ethernet Difference


Dolcino Today I propose a classic and easy to do ... Minimum effort, maximum effect: P

Ingredients: One package ready

puff pastry, I buy one of Vicenzi
A sponge cake, ingr.: 2 eggs - 80 g. sugar - 50 g. flour - 50 g starch - 1 teaspoon baking cakes x - 2 tablespoons corn oil - pinch of salt - lemon flavoring - 2 tablespoons hot water
250 gr. cream without eggs (see recipe for donuts)
1oo ml cream

For the sponge cake I have done so:
Separate the yolks from the whites and mount it to snow very firm.
Beat the egg yolks with hot water, then add the sugar, 'aroma and salt. Combine egg whites, stirring from the bottom up, and finally, add the flour with the starch and baking powder (sifted all).
Combine gently stirring from the bottom 'up. Pour into a
square mold with parchment paper and bake at 160 ° for 15-20 min.

Prepare the cream and whip cream. When the cream is ready
joined with whipped cream.
You make a syrup with sugar and water is cold and when you merge a bit of alchermes.

To assemble:
base layer of pastry cream + + + + bath sponge cake sponge cake cream + + + wet and closing with the pastry cream.
Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut into rectangles.

I can assure you that it is easier to do than write it, I hope I was clear enough!

Flaccid Pebis Blog Spot

Mini Half-moon handbag

Other pattern, always Keyka Lou, another creation.
This is the "Half-moon handbag."
The model resembles the one of the most famous Curvy clutch, but it has the shoulder strap.
I made of fabric red Ferrari
closure with small elastic loop and button upholstered

the same fabric used for the interior

missed the small front pocket.
Time to take all necessary measures and will go on sale in the shop .
I wish a good Monday to you all, baciotti, Claudia

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Breast Feeding Allowed To Husbands In Islam

Conunpezzodistoffa ... ... SHOP

Second post of the day just to tell you that today I have opened a second blog entitled " Counpezzodistoffashop , a small corner where I will put for sale some of my work, opened the grocery bag the previous post.

Baciotti, Claudia

Webcam Live Pro Windows 7

Grocery bag

And here I am, as promised, with pictures of my latest experiment in sewing.
After Christmas I decided to take the new models Keyka Lou
and this is the first realization.
It's called "grocery bag" and is simply a shopper that takes the classic model of the plastic bag.

Made of double fabric with double stitching at every step to make it more resistant. It has large gussets both inside and outside

that make it much more roomy than it appears at first sight

This turquoise and pink tones with polka dots, I sewed for me when I go to the store to take the bread and two or three things.

Yesterday I then stitched another
toned blue and dotted with peacocks and is available to wanting to buy it.
E '36cm long, the larger the height of the handles (48 cm), 37 cm high, 52 cm including the handles. The
Nternal is a riot of red dots on a blue background

Before leaving a little note for all those who are interested in buying models Keyka Lou.
I often receive emails asking me how to buy ...
Here at the home of my blog, under the photo with the title, is the image with one of his creations. Clicking on "Click here to visit Keyka Lou" will be immediately redirected to the home of his shop where you will find all pictures of the models sold in PDF format.

And for good Sunday and today baciotti to all, Claudia

Friday, January 28, 2011

Shower Husband And Wife

Zucchine tonde ripiene

Good day! As I progressed breadcrumbs. flavored, I could throw mica?? Of course not ... I bought some zucchini round ... and look where it came out good result! :)

Ingredients: 6

For the filling go HERE
salt, extra virgin olive oil

Method: Boil the zucchini whole
Drain and allow to drain. The flesh is chopped and left in a colander, to lose its water.
In a bowl combine the pulp and the mixture made of bread, grain, cheese, sausage, garlic, parsley and black pepper. Season with salt and oil (if it proves too dry).
Season with salt round the inside of the zucchini and fill with the mixture. Close them with their cap, a drizzle of olive oil and bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

If I Have 20,000 Cc's How Many Units Is =

Frollini colorati

Ingredients: 1 kg of flour

400 gr.
soft butter 8 egg yolks + 2 whole eggs 400g
. The
sugar grated orange peel 2.
2 packets of yeast

Nutella, jam, orange and red fruits.

Procedure: Working
sugar, eggs and zest. oranges, add the flour sifted with baking powder and then the softened butter. Working quickly and let rest in refrigerator for at least half an hour.
To make the form of cookies, spread a bit 'of dough on parchment paper and serve 2 to form a biscuit cutters: one, with only the entire form and another the same, but with a cutout in the center ... Of course, both those holes in the biscuits integers must 'travel in pairs'.
Without cookies bake at 160 degrees for 10 minutes. careful: they must be white!
Once cooled, spread on whole biscuit: nutella or jam, sprinkle with powdered sugar cookies with holes and close them with a biscuit stuffed ...
Serve in a nice serving platter.

What Does Discharge Look Like Before Your Period

cross stitch

For 2011 I decided to devote a little more to my love crosses.
The forum "The Way of Colors is organized Stote Sal" In Via dei Mattin No. 0 "where embroider each month part of the layout of Madame Chantilly
This was the stage in January:
I labored more than a little in making the hair shaft, it takes a century to embroider with the closing cross gradient to cross, but in the end a pretty sight!
Just yesterday I finished this set bib-embroidered towel to Alessio, the grandson of my friend Gisele

I then decided to embroider month to month, all the patterns that make up this banner Lizzie Kate

here " HOLLY "for January

so for the next Christmas I will, I hope, my beautiful banner.

to greet you today, the next post will be dedicated to sewing, with a new project sperimentato e ben riuscito.
Vi lascio con un'immagine del mio bel mare ...

in inverno, quando il cielo è terso, assume dei colori meravigliosi.
Baciotti, Claudia

Hedge Fund Running Expenses

Hello my friends, sorry if I have not posted anything for quite some time, but the only thing I can tell you is that you are always in my heart. Recently I had a little 'things to do between work cagnolone my house that is not well, and Tuesday will make a presentation at the hip, now walks with only three legs.
However, in all this apocalypse, I put the cover in patchwork finally over and two pillows for my room, I hope you like them. A kiss to you all, I love you.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Get To Lucasville Flea Market

Funghi ripieni

this recipe as well as being a good second course is also ideal to enrich a good starter ...! With this stuffing we love so much!! ;)

Ingredients: 1 kg

. champignons Spicy Sausage

chopped 2 slices of cheese into small cubes 150g
. fresh homemade garlic bread

grain, salt, black pepper and parsley

Gently wipe the mushrooms and remove stems. You should not wash, but I do it and then wipe them.
Chop the stems and sautéed in a pan with olive oil, garlic and chilli and cooked, add salt. In
bimby chop the bread with Parmesan, garlic, parsley and black pepper.
advice: of this fragrant bread I always do it in plenty and freeze when it is needed is already prepared.
Place the bread in a bowl and add fragrant stalks sliced, cold, chopped sausage, the cheese and mix well. Add salt the mushroom caps eriempirli of the compound.
Pour a drizzle of olive oil and bake at 160 ° until golden brown ... you will hear a delicious smell, at which point they are ready!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Best Of Monica Roccaforte

Insalata di pollo

Un modo per recuperare il petto di pollo usato per fare un buon brodo (non so da voi, ma solitamente da me non lo mangia mai nessuno) è farne un'insalata davvero appetitosa. Io l'ho fatta con gli ingredienti che ho trovato in frigo...quindi anche voi potete sbizzarrirvi come volete!

1 petto di pollo già cotto (arrostito o lesso)
1 scatoletta di mais
5-6 pomodorini pachino
1 carota
3 cucchiai di maionese
2 o 3 foglie di lattuga
sale q.b

Sfilacciare il petto di pollo e metterlo in una ciotola.
Tagliate le carote a julienne e i pomodorini a 4, versarli nella ciotola con il pollo. Unire il mais e condire col sale.
Girare e unire per ultimo la maionese amalgamando il tutto.
Servire in un piatto da portata su un letto di lattuga.
Nella sua semplicità questo piatto, piacerà a grandi e piccini! :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Unlock Espn Channel On Dvb-t Freeview


Buongiorno e buon inizio di settimana a tutti! Il lunedì è sempre un po' traumatico per tutti...E allora sedetevi comodi, gustatevi una buona "madeleine" e una calda tazza di thè!

3 uova intere
130 gr di zucchero
1 cucchiaio di miele d'acacia
la buccia di 1 arancia (o limone) grattug.
150 gr di farina 1 teaspoon baking powder
130 grams of melted butter (not hot) 1 pinch of salt

This dose produces about 30 madeleines.

Procedure: Pour the jug of
Thermomix the 3 eggs with sugar and send to vel. 6 for 1 min.
After the minute, do not stop the Thermomix and while he is still working, the center hole add a tablespoon of honey, the grated rind. of the orange (or lemon), flour, baking powder, melted butter and salt and then go, until everything is well blended. Turn off the
bimby and let the dough rest for half an hour in the fridge. Pour
content in the molds has been buttered and floured.
NB: Fill the molds halfway, because then the dough rises during baking.
Bake at 160 degrees for 10 minutes in preheated oven.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How To Recap A Bottle?

Insalata di polpo e patate

This is a classic recipe of our Mediterranean cuisine which is always a kindness for the palate!

Ingredients: 1 kg of octopus

5 / 6 medium potatoes
peppercorns, parsley, onion, bay leaf, salt, black pepper and extra virgin olive oil

If you are lucky enough to have a fresh octopus, it is best put in the freezer for a few hours, so they break the fibers and its cooking is optimal.
I used one already frozen, so after it thawed, I pulled up and dropped into boiling water for three times, so his tentacles are curled, then I let it cook in this water flavored with the previously parsley stalks, peppercorns, onion and bay leaf.
Cook covered for three quarters of an hour over low heat and let it cool in its own water.
Meanwhile, boil the potatoes with the skin.
then peeled and cut into chunks. When the octopus has
raffreddato, si taglia a pezzi, si uniscono le patate e si condisce il tutto con sale, pepe nero, prezzemolo e olio e.v.o.
Lasciare insaporire il tutto per almeno un'ora e poi servire!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Breast Sizes Compared To Fruit

Pasta taleggio, gorgonzola e noci

Questo primo piatto è buonissimo nella sua semplicità. Gli ingredienti quando sono di prima qualità, incidono tantissimo nella riuscita di un piatto!Qui a casa si sono leccati il piatto! :P

Ingredienti x 4 persone:
200 g di pasta eliconi
150g. di gorgonzola dolce
150 g. di taleggio
10 noci tritate
un pò di latte

Nel frattempo che the pasta is cooked, you put in a pan to loosen the two cheese with a trickle of milk, over a very sweet, finally add the chopped nuts.
soon as the pasta is cooked drain it and it does flavor the sauce.
Pour into dishes served here and be the first!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hoe Ziet De Uitslag Bij Acute Hiv Eruit

January 2011 and began

Carissimi amiche blogghine, Buon Anno!
Il 2010 è finito e il 2011 è ormai più che cominciato, auguro a tutte noi un anno pieno di creatività.
Oggi vi mostro le foto degli ultimi lavori:
lumachine-bomboniere 2a parte
Per Natale mio fratello e la sua famiglia sono venuti a passare le festività con noi, e dopo Natale io ho preparato le bomboniere per i Parenti sardi, così la notte dell'ultimo dell'anno, mentre c'era chi festeggiava con grandi cenoni, io I went through a crowd of 16 snails.
This was then the Christmas basket Noue. Two sisters of my country I have commissioned five.
I like them both, but mostly I'm glad you like them

panier Noue Together with me were also commissioned two hearts with initials Stitcher

I greet you with the first work made in 2011. After
avverli admired and looked very good on the blog of Apple , I opened the new year with a little pussy banged model A world of fantasy. "
I resized the original model and I did the top 21 cm. How

And after this series of photos I would like to express my sadness at the fact that Paoletta of "The woodland Camelot" has decided to close his blog.
has all my sympathy for this decision, the fact remains that, for me, will leave a void in the landscape of blogs and creative ... I will miss both his posts.
A special hug to you and Paoletta, I'm sorry if I allowed myself to express my thoughts in public.
Baciotti at all, given that Sunday is almost over, I wish you a good start week. Claudia

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Does It Mean When A Debit Card Is Retained?

Ciambellone di carne

This donut meat makes her look good in a buffet .... and then a buonoooooooooo !!!!!!!!!
The next day he remained very soft. It is prepared in a moment and looks fine on a table!

Ingredients: 500 g.
minced meat mixed
200 g. of bread a day of piai
2 eggs
abundant grain, black pepper, salt and parsley
2 slices of cheese (diced) 100 g
provolone pepper (diced)
seasoned spicy Calabrian sausage into small pieces

Procedure: Place the bread
to poison the water.
pour the meat into a bowl, combine the bread wrung out, eggs, Parmesan cheese, salt, parsley and black pepper. Mix well.
Oleare a donut-shaped mold and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
Pour half the mixture into the mold and put over the cheese, Provolone cheese and sausage. Close to the rest of the meat mixture. Pour over a little trickle of extra virgin olive oil and bake at 200 °
for 1 hour.

invert on a serving platter and wrap with a salad to taste. I used the rocket and was accompanied by his property.