Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Read Dimensions

Ciambella rustica di cicoli

This recipe is typical in our area, although I do once a year (when they give me cicoli products). It's not a rural diet, but an exception to every rule there is so much;)

What is a pork scratching?
I cicoli or greaves are a food made from the manufacture of fat in adipose tissue inside the pig in preparation of lard.

Greaves is a high-calorie foods that, in the tradition, was a great meal, in union with the polenta. Now it is mainly used to accompany cocktails and appetizers. Crumbled make the tastiest pies, bread and polenta .

Source: wikipedia

Ingredients: 500 gr
. cicoli (in Calabria: scarafuagli)
400 gr.

flour 2 eggs 2 slices of cheese into cubes
200 gr. spicy provolone grating.

chopped spicy sausage 1 1 / 2 cube fresh yeast (10gr.)

pinch of salt Method: Put
to warm up the circulation and break up into the yeast.
Prepare in a bowl the flour, put the 2 eggs and beat.
Pour pork scratching with the yeast, turn it all by adding a pinch of salt: it must be a batter very soft to be able to turn with a fork. Let rise
this covered for one hour.
passed the time, add to the mix the sausage, and provolone cheese and mix thoroughly, pour into a buttered and floured mold and let rise for 1 more hour.
Bake at 180 degrees (convection oven) for 1 hour.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Building Plans For A Halloween Coffin

Still ... "Home Sweet Home"

Hello girls, I was a bit silent lately, but ... the first two weeks ago my grandmother died and then a little bit about many things, I shut up in a dumb silence from the web to read the mail, peek updates and then close everything and I work, the inspiration, or embroidery, or crocheted and not just sewing.
The excuse is that to expect a new range of days from stoffine merry patterns and bright colors that I hope are the inspiration to return to produce a spur beaten.
Meanwhile in recent days I have sewn a job that I was commissioned for a house still under renovation.
Valentina had seen this

and I asked if I could assemble a new house for her.
preference went to the lilac

checkered fabric purchased from Grigoletto yarn, cross stitch

and a game of gingham ribbons and organza, with the inevitable colored roses
I hope I can please her as much as I like, and I've got the wrong color stitching will show, I made a new color with the right moves an embroidery and now I think there ... will soon be a new house!

Before leaving I wanted to thank Leti  per questo premio

 che mi aveva assegnato tempo fa
e  Jalo   per quest'altro

ora, non ricordo bene se entrambi avevano delle regole particolari, in ogni caso io lo assegno a tutte coloro che passano a dare una sbirciata ai miei post e gentilmente lasciano un commento.
Vi saluto augurandovi una buona domenica
bacini baciotti, Claudia

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pinky And Cherokee Clips

Torta al cioccolato goduriosa

more appropriate adjective for this cake could not be there, what about ??!!!!! It 'really gorgeous !!!:))))
The recipe I found on the blog Bonappétit ... The ingredients are the same, but I have adapted the procedure to bimby ... If you do not you have the Thermomix, you can follow the proceedings of Sissi here

Ingredients: BASE

100 grams of flour 100 g sugar

100 g butter (melted)
100 grams of dark chocolate (melted in microwave) 3 eggs

FILLING 300 grams of milk chocolate (melted in microwave)
200 grams of cream (type Hoplà)

Pour the eggs into the jug and sugar, Vel. 6 for 30 sec.;
the hole with moving blades enter the melted butter, then chocolate and finally the flour, increasing vel. 7 for a few seconds.
Then pour the mixture into the mold suitable which is just butter and level it for good, because it is relatively dense.
Bake at 180 ° x 15 min.
Meanwhile prepare the filling: Whip cream and mix it with melted milk chocolate.
Once cooked, invert the cake and let raffrreddare, then pour the filling and put in the fridge for a few hours!!

has a consistency and a unique flavor!! I really think it's one of those recipes that I will do more often: D

Friday, March 4, 2011

John Goodman Snl Skits Chris

Scaloppine al limoncello

I assure the success of this second course ... the lemon gives something extra to the meat ... A unique flavor!!

8 fettine di girello di vitello
un po' di farina
1 limone
1 bicchierino di limoncello
una noce di burro
olio e.v.o.

Infarinare le fettine di carne e passarle nell'olio caldo girandole da entrambe le parti, giusto il tempo di scalopparle. Toglierle dal tegame e nel fondo di cottura unire il succo di limone, limoncello e un pò d'acqua. A parte si lavora una noce di burro e farina e si unisce nel fondo di cottura, dopodichè si rimettono le fettine scaloppate, scorza del limone e prezzemolo.
Lasciare insaporire il tutto per qualche minuto, e servire.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Shelf Likfe Of Ensure

Crostata con crema al limone

Questa cake recipe is derived from the Thermomix. I guarantee that it is very good, I have a little 'increased the amount of crust, so that we can cover a 28 cm springform pan. in diameter.

Ingredients: 500 g.
200 grams of flour

150 g. sugar
butter 2 eggs and 1 yolk
1 / 2 packet of baking powder

x cream: 2

lemon juice 110g. (If it does nothing more), and grated peel 2 eggs

20 g.
100 grams of butter

sugar Preparation:
Pour all ingredients into blender and mix 1 min. Vel. 3.
Divide the dough into two parts, one wider than the foil and let stand covered in refrigerator.

For the filling: chop the zest of the lemons 15 sec. vel.8, adj. juice, eggs, butter, sugar and bake 8 min. 90 ° Vel. 3, then remove and let cool.
Meanwhile, spread the dough on baking paper and high pass into greased and floured mold, pour the cream, cover with another sheet and bake at 180 ° x 30 min. about.
When it is cooked you feel a good smell!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Skeleton Face Bandana

Sfoglia con patate e pancetta

new new recipe tested recently and has now won all! I
having a few days ago in some blog, but I have not had the time or print the recipe, nor to write down the address of the blog ... So I do not remember where I saw it ... If any of you know me let us know ... I'll be happy to cite the source;)

With this recipe, I wish you a good weekend!

1 box of puff pastry fresh potatoes
150 gr. bacon wrapped
extra virgin olive oil 1 whole egg

milk salt to taste

Method: Wash
, peeled and diced potatoes.
sauté pan with a little 'oil. Season the potatoes with salt.
Place the pastry into a round baking pan with parchment paper (use the same card that you find with the pastry).
Cover the base with slices of bacon.
Pour the potatoes, beat the egg with milk and sprinkle the potatoes.

Bake at 200 degrees (static) for 20 minutes.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gay Crusing Areas In Ca

Crepes in brodo

This typical regional foods do it often ... especially in cold days like this!
The crepes I made the bimby ... The broth can do it however you like ... vegetable or meat!


- For cr epes:
4 uova
300gr. di farina
5 mis. di latte
50 gr. di burro morbido

Con questa dose ottengo 20-21 crepes.

- Ripieno crep e s:
Parmig. grattugiato
Pepe nero
Noce moscata grattugiata


Preparate il brodo.

Per le crepes:
Inserire tutti gli ingredienti nel boccale: 20 sec. a vel.5
Lasciare riposare l'impasto in una ciotola per circa mezz'ora.
Versarne 3 cucchiaiate per volta in un pentolino antiaderente e cuocere finchè la crepe si rapprende.

Farcirle con parmigiano gratug., pepe nero e noce moscata. Arrotolarle.

Servire nel piatto le crepes ricoprendole di brodo e una spolverata di parmigiano.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

When Cooking Lasagna Do We Cover With Tinfoil?

Prosciutto di maiale con speck e mascarpone

Ricettina nuova, l'ho provata anch'io per la prima volta e devo dire che è stata una piacevole sorpresa...Ottima la carne con questa salsina...Assolutamente da rifare!!

700 g. di prosciutto di maiale
150 g. di speck
100 g. di mascarpone
1/2 cipolla
una noce di burro
1 bicchiere di brodo vegetale
1 bustina di zafferano
sale e pepe nero

Put into a pan the butter, chopped onion, the sliced \u200b\u200bbeef, chopped bacon, salt and pepper. Cover and cook the meat over medium heat for 15 minutes, then remove it.
Extend the sauce with a glass of vegetable broth, which will be dissolved saffron and mascarpone. Bring to a boil and then mix all together with a whisk or immersion in the robot.
Put the slices of meat in the sauce and cook for a few minutes and serve with the sauce itself. Wishing you all the powder with chopped parsley.

White Leather Jacket Lovegame

EASTER (second part)

Va beh che siamo ancora in inverno, ma più che gennaio mi sembra di essere a marzo ... una settimana di sole e temperature primaverili hanno lasciato il posto a three days of water, humidity and hail scary.
I do not think I continue to think and sewing for Easter getting lost in soft colors and delicate that they know the spring rather than winter.
This time the protagonists are my beloved Panier Noue which, remember, is a model made in "Un petit bout de fil ..." , and decorate them for him, the tender bunny Tilda

... Delicate tissues spotted
... lined in linen
... little touches of lace, ric rac and a heart-shaped charm. From
gift filled with small chocolate eggs
... early in Shop .

Baciotti, Claudia

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Family Dvd Recommendations

Finto chili

Here is a recipe that I called "fake chili" because it does not follow its original, lacking the peppers and spices, for example ... It 'still a must-try recipe, you will not be disappointed at all!

Ingredients: 300 g.
Ground Joint (veal and pork)
200 g. red beans
a spicy sausage

extra virgin olive oil celery, carrot, onion, chili
1 / 2 glass of red wine
2 tablespoons tomato paste
few slices of bread toasted

Method: The night before
, soak beans in cold water. The next day, rinse the beans and then boil on low heat for at least two hours. Sieve a part.
Cook the sausage, cover with water, then peel and crumble.
In a crock put oil e.vo. with carrot, celery, onion and chili pepper (chopped), let dry and then add the chopped meat, cook it and then sprinkle with 1 / 2 glass of red wine, add the tomato paste and salt.
Allow to simmer slowly. After an hour add the beans and sausage, season to do everything for at least 15 minutes and then serve accompanying the dish with slices of toasted bread.

With this recipe I participate in the contest "My cocotte" of Desserts, go go!
the initiative can reach by clicking on the banner below:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Smell Around Mausoleum

Cuore caldo al cioccolato fondente

A recipe really gorgeous ... A warm heart that explodes as soon as you stab with a spoon. ..
A sublime dessert for chocolate lovers!
Quick to make and great for unexpected guests, as it can be stored in the freezer and thaw when you bake!
PS: you can easily do without bimby!

Dolcino With this I wish you Good S. Valentino!

Ingredients: 150g plain chocolate

100g sugar 150g butter 50g flour

3 eggs 1 pinch of salt

Method: Chop the chocolate
for 5 sec in 7 vel.
Combine butter and sugar, cook for 6 min at 60 °, vel 3.
Allow to cool, add eggs, flour and salt for 30 sec. to vel4.
Divide the mixture into molds, 4-5 foil, buttered and floured (no need if you use silicone molds).

Put them in the freezer for at least 90 minutes, bake at 200 degrees for 15 min.
Serve immediately inverting the stencil. Dust with icing sugar. If cooking
is just the center of the cake will come out and melted a heart of dark chocolate ... :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Can You Buy Smaller Radio Antenae On Cars?

Nodini di pollo in agrodolce

Here I am with a really delicious dish ... A second I often do because there is mouth-watering ... These knots are "surrounded" by a soft created by the creamy sauce peppers ... Try it!
This dish is part of the Roman kitchen, and you use it on the day of August. In my home has now become a constant: P

1 / 2 kilo of chicken breast sliced \u200b\u200byellow peppers
a bit '
flour 1 / 2 cup white wine
1 / 2 cup of white vinegar 1 teaspoon sugar

onion, garlic, salt

Roast the peppers, remove the skins and cut into strips black.
jumping in a frying pan roasted peppers with a little 'oil and 1 clove of garlic.
Add a teaspoon of sugar and let caramelize and add white vinegar (or whatever vinegar) and salt.
season after having made them, put out the fire.

Cut the chicken into strips two fingers wide.
Cut in the middle (long) each strip up to slightly more than half, flour and tie.
Once knotted, pass it in the flour.

In a pan put: oil, chopped onion and floured chops. Allow to brown.
Blend with the white wine and add salt. Lower the heat, cover with a lid and cook for about 20-25 min.
Add the peppers and cook everything for 5 minutes.
Serve and serve.

I Want To Meet Tall Women

embroidery and applique towels

Hello to all, in addition to creative sewing and patchwork, this passion is born of machine embroidery, and to complicate my life I've tried the wall and this is the result


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Aloha Pos Manuel Online

Cross Stitch Machine finished

Here are other cross-stitch embroidery machine this time, incredible, what he does, it takes a little patience in changing colors, but the result is beautiful.

DSC03437 DSC03438

DSC03440 DSC03436

Jordan Almonds Toronto

Thank you all for your support, we did not win but we hope for a consolation prize

Futanari Kokoro Tenshin Naruto

EASTER (Part 1) Curvy clutch

Since last weekend, the sun is finally back and is giving us the beautiful spring days, nor to profit making for a nice walk?
So Sunday afternoon I and my men with our Candy went for a walk on one of the rocky ridges that surround the Bay of Santa Caterina
and so far that the sun, air spring, the daisies sprouting here and there
we enjoyed the beautiful view

E dopo tutte queste meraviglie come non lasciarsi contagiare dalla voglia di primavera e di Pasqua?
Non vorrei sbagliare, ma credo che siano stati il mio primo lavoretto Tilda realizzato, sono così teneri, non mi stanco mai di farli ...

con tessuti dal sapore contry e fiocchetti di rafia

Il mio personale è sempre appeso in casa, che sia o meno Pasqua.
Questi sono per voi, tra qualche minuto li pubblicherò sullo shop .
Un baciotto, Claudia