Sunday, March 13, 2011

Building Plans For A Halloween Coffin

Still ... "Home Sweet Home"

Hello girls, I was a bit silent lately, but ... the first two weeks ago my grandmother died and then a little bit about many things, I shut up in a dumb silence from the web to read the mail, peek updates and then close everything and I work, the inspiration, or embroidery, or crocheted and not just sewing.
The excuse is that to expect a new range of days from stoffine merry patterns and bright colors that I hope are the inspiration to return to produce a spur beaten.
Meanwhile in recent days I have sewn a job that I was commissioned for a house still under renovation.
Valentina had seen this

and I asked if I could assemble a new house for her.
preference went to the lilac

checkered fabric purchased from Grigoletto yarn, cross stitch

and a game of gingham ribbons and organza, with the inevitable colored roses
I hope I can please her as much as I like, and I've got the wrong color stitching will show, I made a new color with the right moves an embroidery and now I think there ... will soon be a new house!

Before leaving I wanted to thank Leti  per questo premio

 che mi aveva assegnato tempo fa
e  Jalo   per quest'altro

ora, non ricordo bene se entrambi avevano delle regole particolari, in ogni caso io lo assegno a tutte coloro che passano a dare una sbirciata ai miei post e gentilmente lasciano un commento.
Vi saluto augurandovi una buona domenica
bacini baciotti, Claudia


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