Hello dear friends, this When I am writing to ask you a favor. I'm participating in a photo competition on love, and I published my photo with my dog \u200b\u200bSmo, remember? Unfortunately I have good news for him is really bad the people diagnosed with bone cancer, for now walks with three legs and there is little time I hope as long as possible until the bad if it takes away from walking, and then I decided to do a race with him more love than this what else can be. I address those who use Facebook but I need to vote on our pictures if you can give the same 3 becoming the first fan I like clicking on the home page and then go in the photo contest and vote for us HERE SAY LAURA SALER http://apps .facebook.com / frofotocontest / Default.aspx? fb_referrer = 3 = 1609666825 & fb_newrid
If you can help me thanks!
Unity is strength
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