Hello to you all, now I'm sitting next to my mother, still sore but with the hope that this becomes a nightmare to forget. It will take a very long time but we must be optimistic. My mother, Nicolina is so called want ringrazziarvi all for your affection, you're sweet. Take this opportunity to extend my thanks to this post in combination with Sabrina swap Easter of Simon, and my friend Miles of . Should I make separate post, I know, but unfortunately the time I have right now is this, but it's nice to enclose the three things together this is love.
start, everything is extraordinary muccoso Sabrina sweet and very nice, I want to thank you for having the patience that I publish and wonder who sent me here to you, everything is wonderful and cheerful, and I must say that she is a volcano of ideas
And here's the amazing thing Milena sent me, I know the person we're thousands of miles but it is so Special is as if it were near me
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