Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fingered And Infection

Firmware Update Samsung YP-S3

For those wishing to turn their MP3 player from Samsung device MTP to UMS .

  1. Install packages libmtp-devel, libusb and mtpfs : yaourt-Sy libmtp-devel libusb mtpfs
  2. download the latest firmware from this address (look for your model). In our case it is the version 1.11 UMS KR. Create the file
  3. config.dat.unix containing the following lines:
  4. config.dat.unix convert the file format suitable for Windows (see EOL). I do not know if this step is necessary, do it anyway:
    awk 'sub ("$", "\\ r")' config.dat.unix>> config.dat
  5. Write down on a sheet of paper, the steps required to configure the language. After the upgrade the default language will be the Koreano.
  6. After connecting the player to access them mtpfs (the samsung is only temporary folder):
    mtpfs ~ / samsung
  7. Unpack in a folder other than the firmware you downloaded earlier. You will find a file called S3.ROM. Copy the folder as before (~ / samsung) files S3.ROM and config.dat :
    cp-v-t ~ / samsung S3.ROM config.dat
  8. Once the transfer is complete disconnect the reader.
  9. Turn the player back and wait for the firmware update.
  10. Now change the settings of lingua. Per vedere se l'aggiornamento è andato a buon fine selezionate Settings->Sistema->Info su-> Firmware Version: 1.11 KR
  11. A questo punto ricollegate il lettore mp3 e vedere se viene riconosciuto come dispositivo USB.
  12. Prima di iniziare ad usarlo è bene che facciate un backup:
    dd if=/dev/sdb of=~/samsung.YPS3-JAR.backup
    tar -zcvf samsung.YPS3-JAR.backup.tar.gz ~/samsung.YPS3-JAR.backup
  13. Le canzoni basta copiarle nella cartella /Music.


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