fingerprint reader digital on Lenovo 3000 N200 Ecco i passi da seguire per abilitare il lettore di impronte digitali con
Archlinux .
1) Rimuovete il pacchetto
libusb :
pacman -Rs libusb 2) Installate il pacchetto
libusb-beta presente in AUR. Attualmente il pacchetto non è molto aggiornato, quindi vi consiglio di usare il seguente PKGBUILD. Salvate il file in una cartella qualsiasi e date il comando:
makepkg -cis pkgname=libusb-beta
pkgdesc="Library to enable user space application programs to communicate with USB devices - BETA"
arch=(i686 x86_64)
groups = ('base')
Provides = ('libusb = 1.0.0')
Conflicts = ('libusb')
options = (! Libtool)
source = ($ _realname / $ $-_realname pkgver.tar.bz2)
md5sums = ('df2447c23750ef2b4a314200feacc2ee')
build () {
cd $ startdir / src / $ $-_realname pkgver
. / configure - prefix = / usr - disable-build-docs
make updated (since I am the maintainer).
To speed things up we can use yaourt:
yaourt-Sy {libfprint, fprint_demo, pam_fprint}-nightly
4) add the user to the group scanner:
gpasswd-a username scanner 5) Now we can save the 'image of his right (for convenience), slowly sliding the finger over the reader. Store is the impression that for the normal user to root:
pam_fprint_enroll-f7 6) In order to use the fingerprint as a key to access the file need to edit / etc / pam.d / login
adding highlighted line below. You can add this line to other files in the folder
/ etc / pam.d /
depending on the program you want to use (for example, or gdm): #% PAM-1.0 auth required
auth requisite auth sufficient auth required
nullok 7) We just have to test it. Open a shell and try to login with the login command
. Move your fingertip on the reader. If the scan went well, there you will be logged, otherwise you will be asked to enter the password manually. Obviously, this system obviates the use of the fact fingerprint reader. It would therefore be to deny all access by password. This can be done by editing the configuration files above. But since
software is still a young man, better not risk it.