Tuesday, June 17, 2008

South Park 3x01 Vo Streaming

Fedora 9 and Support Flash 10 support firewire

1) Enable the ATrpms repository creating the file / etc / yum.repos.d / atrpms.repo with the following lines:

[atrpms] name = Fedora Core $ releasever - $ basearch - ATrpms baseurl = http://dl.atrpms.net/f $ releasever-$ basearch / atrpms / stable gpgkey=http://ATrpms.net/RPM-GPG-KEY.atrpms enabled=1
2) Installate i pacchetti
ieee1394 ieee1394-kmdl
yum install ieee1394{,-kmdl}

3) Rimuovete il pacchetto

installato di default: rpm -e --nodeps libraw1394

4) Installate i pacchetti libraw1394 libraw1394_8 : yum install libraw1394{,_8}
5) Add to
file / etc / modprobe.d / blacklist
the following lines: blacklist firewire_core blacklist firewire_ohci 6) Restart

7) To set the permissions in / create dev/raw1394 file / etc/udev/rules.d/45-firewire.rules and include the line: KERNEL ==

"raw1394", GROUP = "disk"

8) Add your user to group "disk"
. Open the file / etc / group and add the line "disk: x: 6: root," your user name 9) To ensure that every boot the module is loaded raw1394
include the line "/ sbin / modprobe raw1394" in the file
/ etc / rc.local UPDATE 17/07/2008

I changed the line in / etc / yum.repos.d / atrpms.repo by:

includepkgs = ieee1394, ieee1394-kmdl, libraw1394, libraw1394_8

includepkgs = ieee1394 *, libraw1394 *

Also I have yet to understand why ieee1394-kmdl package

will not automatically update the latest version, even if the repository is enabled. Probably every new version is seen as a stand-alone, and not as an update of the previous package. So for the time necessary to manually install
ieee1394-kmdl according to the updated kernel.

yum install ieee1394-kmdl-`uname-r`


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