Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How Long Can You Take Cipralex

guides Fedora Update

With the release of the latest version of Fedora I had promised to update the guides on

cleartype font. Unfortunately I was unable to install Fedora 10 on the test computer, which I keep for the various play with. After many attempts, I decided to give up. Sorry also see that support firewire (on Fedora) is not functioning for a long time, namely from Fedora Core 7. And the situation does not improve reading In the meantime I started using Archlinux, and I must say that I'm so happy. It goes without saying that the firewire card worked right away ...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Magellan Roadmate Voices

sell second-hand equipment

sale Modena

ISDN Zyxel usb omni.net € 39

Buy Linksys AG241 ADSL2 router The price
including shipping costs.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Period Pressure Point

Unzip zip archives and multiple character encoding

A time in the network happen to find multiple zip archives, divided into more parts like this: repository. Z01 archive.
archive. z0N archive. zip. zip-F archivio.zip - Stock-out completo.zip Then unzip the file you just created: unzip file-completo.zip

Friday, September 26, 2008

How To Rig A Laser Diagram


After much research and unsuccessful attempts, I managed to eliminate the problem of character encoding which were displayed incorrectly in the above man pages. So to solve the problem edit the file ~ /. Bashrc adding the following lines:

LC_CTYPE = de_DE export LC_CTYPE

Monday, September 1, 2008

Migraine Visual Disturbances


I recently replaced with Fedora . A minimal distribution,
updated and with excellent documentation

. Try it!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

What Is A Riddling Wine Rack

Fedora cleartype subpixel hinting

What follows is the version, translated and edited, a guide on this fedoraforums.org to enable subpixel hinting with Fedora. Steps # 1, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 must be run as root. 1) Install yum-utils and rpmdevtools: yum install yum-utils rpmdevtools rpmdev-setuptree
download folder ~ / rpmbuild / SOURCES
the three following patches:
freetype-2.2.1-subpixel-disable-quantization.diff , libcairo-1.2.4-lcd-cleartype-like.diff
libXft- . diff
download folder ~ / rpmbuild / SRPMS the source package cairo, freetype and libXft: yumdownloader - source freetype cairo libXft 5) Download and install the dependencies to compile packages : builddep yum-1.6.4-1.fc9.src.rpm cairo-freetype-2.3.5-6.fc9.src.rpm libXft-2.1.12-5.fc9.src.rpm
6) Install just downloaded the source: rpm-i
cairo-1.6.4-1.fc9.src.rpm freetype-2.3.5-6.fc9.src.rpm libXft-2.1.12-5.fc9.src.rpm 7) Edit the SPEC file present in ~ / rpmbuild / SPECS
adding the following lines (shown in red):

... buildroot:% {_tmppath} /% {name} -% {version}-root

Patch0: libcairo-1.2.4-lcd-cleartype-like.diff ...
% patch0-p1% build



Patch0: freetype-2.2.1-subpixel-disable-quantization.diff
# Add-lm When linking X
dem ...

% patch0
-p1 pushd% {version}-ft2demos ...

Source0: ftp://ftp.x.org/pub/individual/lib/% {name} -% {version}. Tar.bz2
Patch0: libXft-

% patch0
-p1 # Disable static library creation by default. ...
8) Fill in the packages: rpmbuild

-bb ~ / rpmbuild / SPECS / cairo.spec
rpmbuild-bb - with bytecode_interpreter - with subpixel_rendering ~ / rpmbuild / SPECS / rpmbuild freetype.spec
- bb ~ / rpmbuild / SPECS / libXft.spec

9) Exit the graphical mode: telinit 3

10) If you installed the package freetype-FreeWorld, remove it: yum remove freetype-FreeWorld
11) Install the newly created packages: rpm-Uvh - replacefiles - replacepkgs cairo-1.6.4-1.fc9.i386.rpm freetype-2.3.5-6.fc9. i386.rpm libXft-2.1.12-5.fc9.i386.rpm

12) Return to graphics mode: telinit 5

13) Configure the subpixel hinting in your desktop environment (Gnome, KDE, etc.)
Edit the file / etc / yum.conf and add the line: exclude = cairo, freetype, libXft

In this way the packages are not updated with those in the standard repo (and unpatched). 15) To stay up to date on the latest version of each package, I recommend you subscribe to a mailing list fedora-package-announce

. In your mail client create a filter that deletes all mail from
and object other than a banking syndicate, freetype, libXft. This will delete all messages regarding the updating of other programs, and when you do not care. Reporting bugs and suggestions are always welcome.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

South Park 3x01 Vo Streaming

Fedora 9 and Support Flash 10 support firewire

1) Enable the ATrpms repository creating the file / etc / yum.repos.d / atrpms.repo with the following lines:

[atrpms] name = Fedora Core $ releasever - $ basearch - ATrpms baseurl = http://dl.atrpms.net/f $ releasever-$ basearch / atrpms / stable gpgkey=http://ATrpms.net/RPM-GPG-KEY.atrpms enabled=1
2) Installate i pacchetti
ieee1394 ieee1394-kmdl
yum install ieee1394{,-kmdl}

3) Rimuovete il pacchetto

installato di default: rpm -e --nodeps libraw1394

4) Installate i pacchetti libraw1394 libraw1394_8 : yum install libraw1394{,_8}
5) Add to
file / etc / modprobe.d / blacklist
the following lines: blacklist firewire_core blacklist firewire_ohci 6) Restart

7) To set the permissions in / create dev/raw1394 file / etc/udev/rules.d/45-firewire.rules and include the line: KERNEL ==

"raw1394", GROUP = "disk"

8) Add your user to group "disk"
. Open the file / etc / group and add the line "disk: x: 6: root," your user name 9) To ensure that every boot the module is loaded raw1394
include the line "/ sbin / modprobe raw1394" in the file
/ etc / rc.local UPDATE 17/07/2008

I changed the line in / etc / yum.repos.d / atrpms.repo by:

includepkgs = ieee1394, ieee1394-kmdl, libraw1394, libraw1394_8

includepkgs = ieee1394 *, libraw1394 *

Also I have yet to understand why ieee1394-kmdl package

will not automatically update the latest version, even if the repository is enabled. Probably every new version is seen as a stand-alone, and not as an update of the previous package. So for the time necessary to manually install
ieee1394-kmdl according to the updated kernel.

yum install ieee1394-kmdl-`uname-r`

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Play Pokeon Online Save Faster

Here are the steps to install Flash 10 on Fedora 9. % yum install libflashsupport wget%
% yum localinstall - nogpgcheck flashplayer10_install_linux_051508.i386.rpm

Friday, March 14, 2008

Knightsbridge Porcelain Dolls

Good purchase on ibs.it

I have two vouchers to purchase ibs.it. The first d 5 € (for orders over € 50), the second of 10 € (for orders over € 100). Both valid until March 31, 2008

For those interested in the feedback signals.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Where To Donate Plasma In Orange County

Avidemux - hanging multiple files

Here's a script for
Avidemux Copy the following code in the file and move it appendavi.js
~ / .avidemux / custom
. var extension = "avi"; /************************/ var app = new Avidemux ();
var file;
var full; var initfile=true; /* Load file */
var fileselect=fileReadSelect();
var lntfile=fileselect.length;
var finalarc=fileselect.substring(0,lntfile-6);
var actualfile=fileselect.substring(lntfile-6);
print("DirRead Test Start");
else file=""+i;

if (initfile==true){

{break;} <99;i++)

<10) file="0"+i;

} else {if (! App.append (full)) {

displayInfo ("The" + i + "files added succefully Have Been");



} print ("Test DirRead End");

Custom menu, go to

, then select the first video. The others will be added automatically.
